Her name is spelled T-h-y and pronounced “Tee”. Born in a refugee camp in Thailand, she and her family were selected for relocation. Offered several choices for a new country to live including France and New Zealand, Thy’s father chose the U.S. in general and Jacksonville, specifically because he wanted to be in a warm place like his former home. Prior to coming to Jacksonville, the family spent six months transitioning in the Philippines.
Thy has two bartending/service jobs and her personality is well suited for the work. She has a welcoming smile, a desire to help, and is a great listener. Thy was gracious enough to speak with me and get in front of the camera before her shift at Wicked Barley Brewing Company.
What is your job title? Bartender/Server
What do you like most about your work? The owners really care about the employees here. They do a lot of coaching with us and I feel they are as concerned about us succeeding as they are about the business doing well. It feels like family.
What is the hardest part of your job that no one knows about? Having to tell people I’m cutting them off because they’ve had too much to drink.
If you weren't doing this work, what kind of work would you be doing? Teaching special needs children or being a therapist/counselor. I really want to return to Thailand to do some mission work.
If you could go back in time and talk to yourself at age 16, what would you tell yourself? Appreciate your parents more and be kinder to them. Have a closer relationship with your grandmother earlier in life.