This is an image that was created because my phone was ready while my “professional” camera was safely in my shoulder bag. I’ve missed enough decisive moments to know this one was too fleeting to get the DSLR out. While there are a few elements present that typically comprise good photos, there are more that could be added to a “Don’t take it” list:
The primary subjects have their backs to the camera
The light is flat
The sky has no clouds
I like that the lady with the bag on her shoulder and the man on the hotel wall are both wearing long coats and are going in the same direction. That the hotels across the street from each other use the same typeface makes me wonder if they have the same owner. I wish this could have been made in front of a Scottish pub to stay true to the heritage of “Loch Lomond,” the song whose lyrics are in the title, but alas, all of these visual elements were on display in front of an Irish pub on a side street in Paris. My life is filled with little disappointments. :-)