While the world has focused its attention on multiple issues from what’s happening on the Korean peninsula, Stormy Daniels, the Bill Cosby trial, the volatility of the stock market, sports playoffs, and what’s happening in Washington D.C., a seismic change that will effect all our lives has occurred in the fast food industry with all most no fanfare at all.
You missed it, too, didn’t you? What if I give you a hint? It happened at Pizza Hut. Was it a new sauce? Nope. More pepperoni? Wrong again. Faster delivery? Not exactly. Gluten free options? Possible, but that’s not the real news. Still stumped?
The fine folks at Pizza Hut have done something that Albert Einstein, nor anyone at MIT, Cal Poly, nor any think tank has been able to accomplish previously. They have altered the space/time continuum by creating longer hours. You don’t have to believe me. Read the sign.