Prior to the purchase of our new home, we decided to have tile throughout the house. That meant removing five rooms of carpeting and finding a dye lot of tile that matched what we already had. Since the home was only two years old, we caught a break and were able to get something that you have to look closely to notice any differences. Then we had to find an installer in whom we had confidence and could meet our timeline. We got a great recommendation and after an initial meeting, the job was handed to XXXX XXXX. From the moment they arrived on the first day to when they pulled out of our driveway on the last day, these guys were in constant motion. There was no slack in anything they did and their work was topnotch. For the next five posts, you’ll have a chance to meet the guys who tiled our home.
Name: Anthony Davidson
What’s your job title? Owner
What do you like most about your job? Meeting new people. I love seeing the reaction of our customers when we finish the job.
What’s the hardest part of your job that no one knows about? Keeping several crews of installers going at the same time on multiple jobs.
If you weren’t doing this work, what kind of work would you be doing? I would return to school, maybe med school. I really love helping people.
If you could go back in time and talk to yourself at age 16, what would you say? Finish high school! Go to college and learn about business.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given? My mom told me, “Make sure you enjoy whatever you do.