It is easy to overlook things as we purposefully go from place to place in our lives. We get focused on the objectives and have been taught to screen out any distractions. Even when we are out enjoying what nature has to offer, it is easy to bypass small universes if our attention is somewhere else. This image is a great example of that.
Several years ago while mowing my yard, I saw some weeds at the edge of the woods that needed trimming. I went to the garage, retrieved my trimmer, and prepared to cut down the offending plants. Right before starting I noticed several of the plants were showing small flowering extensions. Upon closer examination I discovered the intricate structure above...a four-layered star. I put the trimmer back in the garage and returned with my camera and tripod.
I've found it's good to slow down and take in all each scene has to offer. You might find extraordinary things at your feet.