Over the past year, Monica and I have made a few changes to the way we travel with the biggest difference being slowing things down so we have more free time at our disposal. Sometimes that means we take a day off to just hang out and read or it might result in taking an unstructured trip through the area where we're staying. That's how this image came to be.
I was exploring a bit of countryside in central Georgia when I passed through a small settlement and spotted this composition. Once again, the light was pretty harsh, but it produced sharp shadows under the clapboards creating strong horizontal lines that clash nicely with the vertical stripes of the old awning. I also like how the greens in the door and awning are found in the frame and Coke bottle on the sign. For me, this is an image that needs to be in color.
All made possible by just wandering and going slowly enough to take in all the surroundings had to offer.