I met Clecio while he was covering our lanai with pavers. He stays in almost constant motion from the time he arrives at work until he goes home at the end of the day, so getting him to be still for a moment in front of the camera was a bit challenging. The reward was more than worth the challenge. Clecio is Brazilian, but has lived in Germany and France. He owns a company that specializes in using paving stones to build driveways, patios, retaining walls, fire pits, and outdoor kitchens. As I watched Clecio work with his crew, I was impressed by the effectiveness of his work process. Every movement had purpose and there were few instances where more than one cut was made to fit a paver in corners or at angles in the lanai. This work is physically demanding and the fellows on his crew understood that their biggest challenge might not be all the lifting and bending, but keeping up with Clecio.
What is your job title? Owner
What do you like most about your work? The exercise. I need to be busy all the time!
What is the hardest part of your job that no one knows about? Cutting the stones. It's dangerous! The saw is loud, the blades are very sharp, and the cuts need to be right.
If you weren't doing this work, what kind of work would you be doing? Robotics engineer.
If you could go back in time and talk to yourself at age 16, what would you tell yourself? Don't work for anybody. Start your own business