My wife loves walking on the beach and she’s willing to get up early with me to do it. Since we’re only 20 minutes away, we’re able to catch sunrises with regularity. For me, there is something both soothing and energizing about first light on the beach. I want to get there before the throngs of people with their supply wagons, tents, and the diminutive sand construction engineers that invariably accompany them. Fortunately, they’re like vampires in reverse, only coming out when the sun is up, so when we typically step onto the sand there are just a few paddleboarders, a couple of surf casters, the occasional dog walker and us. It’s just a great way to start the day.
As we get toward the end of the boardwalk on this morning, I notice a couple of young men putting something on the sand at equal intervals like they are making a pathway to the water. Getting closer, I can see they are placing roses in a V-shape leading toward a small table placed near the water’s edge. On the table is a Scrabble board and vase with a long-stemmed red rose. The Scrabble tiles spell WILL YOU MARRY ME. In a few minutes this question will be answered.
All of this inspires me for several reasons. First, guys catch a lot of flak for not being romantic enough. Today, this fellow is on the right track. Second, he appears to have a partner who is willing to get up in the dark and accompany him somewhere. That means the relationship has the potential for fun and adventure. Third, he has some great friends who were willing to get up even earlier to put all the details in place. For me, that means he must be a great friend, as well.
The horizon is starting to brighten and I’ve already witnessed romance, the possibility of a willing partner, and strong friendships. How can I not be inspired? We head off down the beach and are treated to a fantastic sunrise. By the time our walk is finished, rose petals on the sand are the only evidence of what’s happened. I hope she said, “Yes!”