I am committed to lifelong learning and since I don’t know how long my life will be, I use every day to gather more information about things that interest me. There is so much data coming from so many sources, I find it easy to get lost in the sea of knowledge. At best, I can get distracted from my real work by all this and, at worst, I get paralyzed and depressed because I can’t read/see/absorb/apply all the stuff I want to. There are also boatloads of talented people trying to get their voices heard (work seen) above the din of all the other creative people trying to do the same. I plan to share information about work that moves me and hope it will have meaning for you. If it does, please support the artists and share their information with your network.
Todd Henry's first book was Accidental Creative: How to Be Brilliant at a Moment's Notice, which examined the creative process and provides strategies to maximize your creativity while maintaining healthy work habits. It was targeted at people who need to be creative in their chosen professions. In his second book, Die Empty, Todd helps individuals and companies stop deferring their most important work and it provides a process and principles for tapping into your passion. I found this book to focus on a more general audience and it was filled with actionable information. I have yet to read his latest offering, Louder Than Words: Harness the Power of Your Inner Voice, but it’s on my to-do list and has received very good reviews.
All of Todd’s books are available on Amazon and you can go to his website, accidentalcreative.com to subscribe to his newsletter and podcasts.