We're back in Georgia this week and I'm helping Monica on a design project she has underway. Though we're going home to sunny Jacksonville tomorrow, the weather here has been blustery, cool, and it's supposed to get into the 20's tonight. I've experienced a lot of cold weather and though I don't mind it, I don't miss it either and have decided to talk about warmer weather and days gone by.
Long before virtual reality and augmented reality, there was just reality. Much of my reality growing up was spent on farms. Helping feed the animals, driving the tractor, going to the elevator with a load of grain, and putting up grain bins were a few of the jobs I had. There was something special about harvest time whether it was soy beans, corn, or wheat. Before we were old enough to drive the tractor or the farm truck, my cousin Larry and I would hang out on the wagon or in the truck bed playing in the grain. Before going to dinner, my uncle would remind us to take off our shoes, roll down the cuffs on our pants, and turn our pockets inside out to keep from bringing any grain and associated insects into the house.
When the wheat harvest was done and the equipment was out of the field, all that was left were tire tracks and stubble; reminders that the work here was done for now. There would be another field tomorrow.